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teamLab Art Box

TeamLab is an ultra-technologists group based in Japan. Using leading edge technologies, they create multiple series of video art that expresses Japanese culture, its profound esthetics, and connects our age to the future. Since one of their first pieces, Life survives by the power of life, was released, Maruwakaya has been involved in the production of premium boxes to store their artwork. The boxes are made of paulownia wood, and Maruwakaya supervised the research of finding the right material to create the boxes, to the manufacturing process. Crafted in a historical process, the box functions not only as mere protection for the artwork, but also serves as a tool to unfold the stream of the time from the past to the future when you open it.

– teamLab

– Release


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Milanosalone 2011 / Video(May, 2011)
Below you will find an archive of video works created by TeamLab for a project presented at Miranosalone in Italy, as well as exhibitions of other products by the same designer.

‘otsuriki’ iPhone 3G cover / Video(November, 2007)

‘otsuriki’ iPhone covers are made by Inden, a craft deeply rooted in the history of Japan that creates tanned deerskin leather that is dyed and patterned with Japanese natural lacquer. Maruwakaya, together with Inden craftsmen, produced this iPhone 3G cover which not only protects the precious gadget, but also gives the phone an attractive and luxurious look. When the product was released, TeamLab created a video to express our concept:


‘otsuriki’ iPhone 3G cover:

teamLab Inc.

teamLab is an Ultra-technologists group made up of specialists in the information society such as; Programmers (User Interface Engineers, Database Engineers, Network Engineers, Hardware engineers, Computer Vision Engineers, Software Architects), Mathematicians, Architects, CG Animators, Web Designers, Graphic Designers, Artists, Editors and more. We create works through “experimentation and innovation” making the borders between Technology, Art, and Design more Ambiguous.